West Seneca Lodge No.1111

Grand Lodge F & A M State of New York

647 Main Street • West Seneca, NY 14224
Meets 1st & 3rd Mondays at 7:30pm


New Facebook Page

  Thank you for your interest in West Seneca 1111. We are very active in the community, do some great charity work and really enjoy each other’s company.

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Brothers Near and Far!

W∴ Jim Michel met up with V∴W∴ Joel Burkley and W∴ Bill Martin and enjoyed some brotherhood and send forth greetings from sunny Florida! Hi Brothers, we miss you!

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Education can be had the LAST Monday of every month at the School of Instruction. It is held at the Lackawanna Masonic Center (also called: Western Star Masonic Center located at 692 Ridge Road, Lackawanna, NY) at 7:00pm. The instruction is geared to the newly raised Brother as well as the senior Brother. A schedule of topics can be found on the First and Second Erie District website.

Attending this program is a great way to meet new friends and see old friends. Please come and fill up the West Seneca Lodge #1111 corner.

Our History

In 1926, a group of area masons held an informal meeting at the home of Bro. Peter Mildenberger of Zion Lodge, No. 514 of Orchard Park. These brothers decided to form the West Seneca Square Club and held an organizational meeting at Vigilant Fire Hall at Ebenezer, NY, where it was decided to meet monthly at various locations. Ebenezer School #1 (the present building) was purchased by the Temple Association Group and sold to the lodge, which petitioned for and received a dispensation in 1930, and it’s charter on May 7, 1931. In 1981, the large stainless steel square and compasses monument was erected in front of our building, dedicated to the Brotherhood of  Man and to the Glory of Almighty God. {Abridged from a history written by Carl LAmancuso in 2012. The full history can be found HERE.}