Mar 5, 2014 | News, Uncategorized
Past Masters Recognition Dinner Saturday, March 22, 2014Hors d’oeuvres at 5:30pmDinner at 6:00pm
Jan 13, 2014 | News, Uncategorized
West Seneca Masonic Lodge &Pond Chapter O.E.S.PresentA dinner theater event:Saturday February 15, 20145:00 pm Social Hour and Curtain Up 6:00 pm$15/ person – $20/couple – $5/ surviving spousesPre-sale tickets onlyPlease contact any officer for tickets
Nov 19, 2013 | News, Uncategorized
West Seneca Lodge #1111Christmas PartyMonday, December 2, 2013Hospitality 5:30 pmDinner 6:00 pmReservations a must: No later than Nov. 26th. Please call J.W. Bro. Mark Beehler at 716-771-1119 or 716-289-3456.Short Meeting 7:15 pm.Refreshments & Entertainment to...
Oct 12, 2013 | News, Uncategorized
Honor Flight the Movie is coming to the Aurora Theatre of East AuroraSaturday, November 9 at 11:00am:Honor Flight: The MovieTo benefit the Honor Flight BuffaloPre-sale tickets: $6.00 / 2 for $10.00 / At the door: $8.00View the movie trailer link below Honor Flight...
Sep 29, 2013 | News, Uncategorized
Fall Breakfast…All you can eat Buffet!Where: West Seneca Masonic Lodge #1111 647 Main St. West SenecaWhen: Sunday, October 20, 2013Time: 8am to 1pmCost: $8 Adults, $5 ChildrenMenu includes scrambled eggs, potatoes, sausage, German & buttermilk pancakes,...